Sia Central — Incredible 3rd party tools

The Sia Foundation
The Sia Blog
Published in
2 min readAug 26, 2020


Note from the Sia team: Nate has been an important part of the Sia community for a while now, developing incredible tools to build the ecosystem up. The Sia Central Lite Wallet has been online for a while, and Host Manager is being used by hosts for critical insight into their metrics. Thanks Nate!

The following is a short excerpt from a recent blog post about all the recent updates to Sia Central. If any other contributors would like to have their posts featured on the Sia blog, reach out to

Some users just want to exchange Siacoin, no mess, no fuss. Sending and receiving Siacoin needs to be as simple and painless as possible. With the Sia Central Lite Wallet, you can send and receive Siacoins quickly and securely. No need to sync the blockchain or trust an unknown service or exchange with your all-important recovery seed.

You can access the wallet at

The Wallet Dashboard

After a wallet has been created, it will appear in the wallet dashboard with transaction and balance data. For recovering wallets, the wallet will need to complete an initial scan before transactions can be shown. Switching between wallets is easy, just select the wallet from the column on the left.

Sending Siacoins

To Send Siacoins, click “Send” right under the wallet’s balance. Enter the receiver’s address and the amount of Siacoin to send.

Host Manager

The long awaited Host Manager v2 is about to be released to early adopters. This is a massive upgrade for Host Manager. It includes a completely redesigned backend, better onboarding, a browser-based interface for headless servers, and remote management for hosts. The final release will be offered as a desktop app, a daemon, and a docker image.



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